da capo
Only a life lived for others is worth living
Special playlists for you

In the midst of the gigantic blogosphere of our contemporary times, here you find a different place, where you can spend a few minutes a day reading, learning, sharing knowledge and expressing your opinion – all while listening to good music.In the midst of the gigantic blogosphere of our contemporary times, here you find a different place, where you can spend a few minutes a day reading, learning, sharing knowledge and expressing your opinion – all while listening to good music.

By visiting this “avenue of music”, you will be able to enjoy music in a new way, because it will become more appellative to all of your senses and also more pleasant with its most varied seasonings, fragrances and colors.

— Below, find out about some specificities of this “promenade”:

I have prepared some playlists for you to enjoy while browsing around the posts. Go up there, on Spotify icon, and choose some according to your mood today. Don’t worry, the playlist will open on another tab and you’ll be able to read the content and enjoy top music at the same time.

This blog, as a communication channel, has, in addition to other goals, the intention to start in December 2017 this movement that I decided to call “Noble Music Manifesto”. Know that it is not only in Brazil that millions of people complain about the production of popular music of recent years. Other countries perceive a major shift in the music scene – for the worse. Why this dissatisfaction? What is the most consumed type of music in Brazil and in the world? What kind of artist sells the most? Why in the past decades musicians would sing about hope, a better future, true and eternal love, the kindness of helping others? What were the History influences that twisted the music scene? Learn more about the proposals of this Manifesto by following this blog. There is still hope, yes; and it is us, the dissatisfied people, who can transform the present, thus changing the future.

“Life has no remote control. You have to get up and change”

“What if instead of complaining we get organized to make it work?”

… and if we don’t try, we’ll never know!


In the not-too-distant past, learning this art, in a formal context, used to be a privilege only for the elite. However, the Digital Era democratized the access to the highest level of knowledge for all people with a computer or smartphone at hand. I don’t think any machine will ever be able to replace a good music teacher by your side, but I am very grateful to technology for everything it has provided us with in education, art, and culture.

Learn Music here on this blog and share what you know. There are contents of Music Theory, Ear Training, Musil Appreciation, Music History, Composition, amongst many others.

“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world” – Nelson Mandela


In the old fashioned way, I tell our daily friend of everyday, music-related experiences, mostly but not limited to it. All stories are true – down to the smallest detail.


I believe that a music critiques can have two types of wording: journalistic or artistic. The first tends to criticize using a non-technical vocabulary, so that every reader, regardless of their level of musical knowledge, understands the message. The second, is performed by an experienced musician, with competence to analyze technical and intrinsic aspects of performances, artists, albums, songs and contexts. Within each of these two types of wording, there are several types of music critics. This blog proposes to use both critical ways.


News, biographies, curiosities and releases from national and international artists, from the present and from the past.


Lists about the world of music: the best songs of the year, the best songs of decades gone by, the world’s worst videoclips, the most performed symphonies, the movies with the most remarkable soundtracks, the best selling musical instruments, the most creative jingles, and much more.


Disclosure of dates and sale of tickets (soon) of some workshops and concerts that we recommend in the main capitals of Brazil.


Selective exhibition of specific products, such as: CDs, DVDs, vinyl records, sheet music, musical instruments, books, sound equipments, softwares, mobile applications, games, amongst others.


Tests and music games for you to relax, check your knowledge and have fun.


• Careers

It is known that the market is saturated in the most varied areas. In this blog category, the topics covered are: career opportunities, business ideas, useful tools for the profession and talent management; as well as interviews with music professionals, where you get valuable advice.

• Sharing Love

Music has the power to spread love. Stories of how someone moved you through Music or how you share love through this art have to be reported. Send your story with photos to – your report can be published.

• My Music Tip

My recommendation of some artists, songs or videoclips that I’ve been enjoying a lot at the moment.

• Lyrics & MVs

Analysis of lyrics and music videoclips from a wide range of perspectives.

• Readers Room

That room for readers to share their experiences with Music. It can range from a story related to a specific song or artist to a book review that the reader wants to recommend.

• Traveling

My adventures, which are always “watered” by a lot of art, around the world.

• Gallery

Photographs taken by me and images of others that enchant me.

• Miscellaneous

Publications that don’t fit into any of the above categories.


Learn how to contact us – emails and P.O.Box (soon) – yes, I like letters.

—> To read about other relevant aspects of the blog, click on the following page.

— Other aspects of Paula Musique Blog:


If you want to join our VIP community, just become a subscriber and receive our newspaper in your email, free of charge, with exclusive content, once a month.


If you are a music producer, soundtrack composer, illustrator, animation designer, graphic designer, videomaker, photographer, translator, editor, etc. and are interested in contributing to this blog, please contact us by email

*An initial need is the creation of videos aimed at music education: a series with videos of Music Theory, Music History, and Musical Instruments.


Students, professionals, teachers, music lovers, or simply, curious people. Learners of classical, popular, and unpopular music.


This blog is originally written in Portuguese. Whenever I can, I will translate our content.


If you want to use some of our audiovisual material (texts, images, audios or videos), please be ethical giving the right credits, properly linking and mentioning this blog. If you need, you can contact

Most publications are for educational purposes. However, if you are the copyright holder of some audio or video and you feel uncomfortable with the use, just send a message and your material will be replaced.


I value friendly interactions, in that case, comments such as the mentioned below will be excluded:

  • Curse words and unreasonable offenses;
  • Subjects outside the context of the post;
  • Advertising, promotion and marketing of any nature; and
  • Racist and discriminatory content.

This is a “promenade” of peace, respect and lots of music.


The Blog Paula Musique is present in social media. Follow us and share with your friends.


  1. Luiz Antonio 20/02/2018

    Estou adorando o seu blog, Paulinha. Li tudo. Você escreve muito, mas escreve bem de mais da conta!!! É difícil, hoje em dia, encontrar um texto tão bem escrito, fácil de entender, limpo, correto e inteligente. Seu texto é top, bem como as várias propostas do seu blog. Parabéns e sucesso nesta sua empreitada.

  2. Admirador anônimo 17/05/2018

    Cara Paula, parabéns pelo blogue: super bem feito e delicado! Dá pra sentir o esmero e dedicação. Assuntos interessantes, variados; sempre com um toque de fofura :) Isso mesmo… não há outra palavra. Você é uma pessoa muito fofa, de longa data. Adoro sua visão sobre as coisas e sobre o mundo. É verdade que transparece um toque de melancolia aqui ou ali, mas isso só torna ler o que você escreve mais interessante.
    Desejo muito sucesso!

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