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I don't know why my heart beats happily when it sees you
Special playlists for you
May 14th, 2018
a 2 minutes read

Respond to Polls on: Bands, Instruments, Analysis and Techniques

♦ Join us in our polls. Your opinion is important of us to plan the next posts;

♦ They appear on the sidebar, just below the “O que tem aqui?” image;

♦ When we have at least 100 respondents in each poll, we will disclose the results;

♦ Please respond one time only;

♦ Respond to all polls, if possible;

♦ Each time you enter the blog, a different poll appears. Or just by clicking the refresh/reload icon, the polls change;

♦ Thumbs up, if you like polls.

By the way, “participe” means join us.

At the moment we have FOUR POLLS going on:



We want to know which are the favorite bands of our readers. For obvious reasons we could not list all bands, but we tried to put some of the most popular ones.



Out of these instruments, what is your favorite sound?



All these analyzsis options have some importance, however this is the kind of post that takes a lot of time to elaborate, so we want to know what most interests the most readers.



In the same way, all these techniques are valuable in our musical practice, but we want to know what most appeals to you.


Your contribution is important!

Thank you!

Paula Musique
Viver vai muito além de realizar meus próprios sonhos, pois posso dar as mãos ao próximo e ajudá-lo a realizar seus sonhos também & a vida fica muito melhor com Música.
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